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The Business On Belgrade Association's mission is to promote, enhance and preserve beautiful Lower North Mankato as a diverse business, cultural and residential destination for the benefit of the entire community.

Bier on Belgrade


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Bier on Belgrade

  • Business on Belgrade North Mankato United States (map)

13th Annual Oktoberfest from 2pm to 10pm

Join us for our 13th annual Bier on Belgrade located on Belgrade Avenue in North Mankato. Bier on Belgrade is North Mankato’s version an Oktoberfest and German heritage fun.

You will have a day of activities, food vendors, live music, Bier samplings from local and world renown brewery’s, ceremonial first beer with City Officials, bean bag toss and kegs.

 This is a FREE event! Must be 21 years of age to attend.

Seasonal beers will be available for sampling and will be listed closer to the event.

Earlier Event: July 27
Blues on Belgrade
Later Event: December 7
Bells on Belgrade